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Newsletter | September 2022 | Cost of Lving

Calmworks® Newsletter - September 2022 - Cost of Living

Cost of Living

Removing fear and stress from preparations for a cold winter

The war in Ukraine forces us to count the cost of the outright fire sale of the UK’s natural mineral wealth last century and the decades of privatisation of the companies who trade in and deliver it. While the Norwegians were creating a sovereign wealth fund, we were selling North Sea oil like billyo. And while we were introducing profit and shareholders into an industry that appears to benefit greatly from non-profit and 100% reinvestment the Dutch were quietly fending off international interests.

Receiving support from our legislators is something that cannot be relied upon either. This doesn’t mean you should throw away your receipts, stop applying for help or stop making your views on the matter heard, but it does mean you must now seriously consider and implement any innovative and affordable ideas for your home immediately.

So instead of worrying, tackle the one major part of this challenge that you yourself can directly influence: insulation.

Our living spaces will undoubtedly become smaller, our curtains thicker, our double glazing more ingenious & temporary and no doubt we will be sharing our living spaces more closely, especially when it comes to families that are heating two homes when one might do.

Start from the top of your home and go to the bottom. Hire a thermal imaging camera for one day (around $100/£70) and mark all the cold spots in your house. Don’t just do your own house, do all the houses in your street. Get everyone to chip in and you’ll easily cover the cost. Bear in mind some counties lend thermal cameras to their residents.

Once you’ve marked the cold spots insulate them. By hook or by crook, but remember, use materials that do not easily combust. Be mindful when you are putting insulation inside your home and whatever you use, make sure it is non-toxic and correctly fire rated. Furthermore, you will need to change the air in your home, so don't seal yourself in! Especially if you have a fireplace or use gas to cook.

You want to be comfortable this winter. All areas where significant time is spent must be warm. A cold bathroom is not a happy place to be.

Be active now to side line fear and stress and when winter comes you will be snug and fully prepared.

Calmworks® Franchising

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If so, you may be able to own your own Calmworks Franchise.

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