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Newsletter | March 2022 | Daimokh

Calmworks® Newsletter - March 2022 - Daimokh


Ancestral land and the concept of home.

Daimohk is a Chechen word meaning ‘ancestral land’.

Many of us feel a sense of belonging to the place we were born. This tie is strengthened when it is the birthplace of our ancestors and after time a sense of identity comes into balance with the plants, animals, seasons, and the earth underfoot.

Stories in these settings develop, become folklore, and then myth, until the identity of the living human being is intertwined with the symbols, sights, sounds and smells of the land itself on a cellular level. Any threat to the land at this point becomes a threat to the people.

So, when many generations have been committed and born to the earth, and if there is consensus among the people, some will leave to continue an identity that has become indistinguishable from the land, and some will remain.

Those who remain are not fighting for the land, nor are they defending their identity, they are fighting for something much simpler.


People decide they are ready to die for this because they know if their blood spills it is simply a payment in thanks to a homeland that will exist forever; not just in the hearts of their kin but also in the hearts of any human being who knows or finds out.

Peace is love.

Calmworks® Franchising

Operate your own small business under the Calmworks® umbrella

If you want to own your own business and meet the following two criteria you could operate a Calmworks Franchise inside your organisation or in your local business community:

  • Completion of at least 45 minutes movement practice and 45 minutes sitting practice at least five days per week.
  • Completion of the eight-week MBSR™ Programme facilitated by a qualified or certified MBSR™ facilitator.

If you are interested send an email to