Newsletter | May 2021 | Touch

Calmworks® Newsletter - May 2021 - Touch


Social contact and the entirety of the experience of touch.

Over the last month the United Kingdom has started its return to the new normal of post-Covid social contact.

Having travelled throughout the three British nations of Wales, Scotland and England during this time I have noticed touch coming back in a more measured way.

The psychology of touch goes way beyond a tactile assessment because it draws heavily on your social evaluation of the person touching you. In business touch is fairly limited, as is proper and right, and the fist or elbow bump is now the most elegant alternative for those who do not wish to cross palms.

However, many of the businesspeople I have met in the last month have been quite happy to shake. Perhaps in an age where sanitising and washing our hands occurs multiple times a day this now appears acceptable and safe.

Palms are certainly more sensitive than knuckles and elbows but remember that half the primary somatosensory cortex's process during physical contact is an understanding and knowledge of the person being touched.

In appropriate circumstances I have witnessed business colleagues, perhaps overwhelmed with relief at what appears to be the end of a difficult year, embracing in what can only be described as a ‘professional hug’. Though these moments are rare, one likes to think that the healing quality of touch is maximised and that the professional hug reminds us that we are working together to overcome all obstacles, even those presented by infectious disease.

In short, my recent journeys have been full of hope, so as long as hospital admissions continue to fall, I would like to encourage any mindful and mutually appropriate touch techniques in business where appropriate sanitising is in place.

Welcome back!