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Newsletter | September 2023 | Killing Trump

Calmworks® Newsletter - September 2023 - Killing Trump

Killing Trump

How and why Trump’s supporters are slowly killing him.

It appears to be quite hard for a lot of people to feel sorry for Donald Trump. If you look at the way his organisations approach truth and honesty in business and assume they are a reflection of their owner, you can perhaps see why.

But this slow train wreck we are all watching as his legal jeopardy ramps up and up might give some of us pause to wonder why and how this is all taking place.

It cannot be denied he has knowingly shown a disregard for norms of taxation and business, indeed he has said so himself.

His apparent flurry of activity in attempting to alter the registration of what appeared for most to be a free and fair election also seemed desperate.

But there is something else. Something far more dangerous, which might literally be the end for him. Especially because twenty years in gaol for a 77-year-old man is not going to be without physical and mental health challenges.

Regular readers will remember our April Newsletter about Charles Templeton, Billy Graham and lying. To quickly summarise, if the teller of lies is believed by enough people, he or she believes the lies to be truths and carries on.

Unless Trump's supporters are more mindful about the consequences of driving him towards all this jeopardy, it could end up being some sort of awful death loop. He is increasingly trapped and funnelled by a myth that began as self-perpetuating but is now dangerously out of control.

You cannot help wondering where and how this tragedy is going to end.

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