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Newsletter | October 2021 | Pornography

Calmworks® Newsletter - October 2021 - Pornography


Male pornography consumption and returning to the real world.

When I was a lad pornography consumption was minimal. Hard to get hold of, definitely illicit, and rarely more than disintegrated rags of mags left in obscure outdoor hiding places by older lads. Nowadays pornography is freely available online with a few clicks. This has meant an enormous increase in the amount of pornography consumed by men, young and old alike.

Worryingly, recent studies have shown enough correlation between pornography consumption and erectile dysfunction to suggest causation.

Normal behaviour amongst those who consume pornography on a daily basis results in the pursuit of harder and harder material to maintain arousal. A critical stage is eventually reached where sexual arousal becomes associated with extreme and fast paced sexual activity.

The knock-on effect of this is to render the actual physical experience of sex bland and uninteresting.

Luckily the solution is simple but it does require a great deal of patience.

Sadly, for those who enjoy their daily barclays, you must knock both the pornography and the masturbation on the head. Even more sadly, during the early stages of this "reboot" process you may experience a lowering of your sex drive and possibly even some depression too. This can last for anywhere from 30 days to six months. So, steel yourself for the long haul, and be pleased when your sex drive returns after only 30 days or hopefully not much more.

And when you can become aroused with a simple lingering kiss on the lips, you will gladly thank yourself for your relatively short abstinence and your sexual partners will gladly thank you too!

Calmworks® Franchising Opportunities

Operate your own Calmworks Leadership Programme

We are looking for facilitator/entrepreneurs who meet the following two criteria and are interested in operating Calmworks Franchises inside their organisations or in their local business communities:

  • At least 90 minutes of personal practice at least five days per week including at least 45 minutes of movement practice and 45 minutes of sitting practice
  • Completion of one eight-week MBSR™ Programme facilitated by a qualified or certified MBSR™ facilitator or a facilitator who meets the requirements for the UK Mindfulness Network's good practice guidelines.

If this is something you are interested in, please send an email to