Newsletter | September 2020

Calmworks® Newsletter - August 2020 - White Privilege

Mindful Families

Encouraging the practice of mindfulness in your family.

Attempting to bring mindfulness into your home might seem like a daunting prospect at first, but in most cases the curiosity starts with the younger family members.

Every time I facilitate MBSR or our Calmworks® Leadership or Calmworks® Productivity programmes, participants express their children's interest in mindfulness. Earlier this year even my teenage nephew asked me if I could teach him how to meditate.

So, for parents or adults interested in bringing a bit of introspection into the family home, the first step is not to be deaf to the steps or inquiries being made by the younger family members.

But if you're certain your kids couldn't do it, either begin your interest alone thereby making it intriguing or under lock and key thereby rendering it 'taboo' (i.e. "Sorry, this is not for babies"). From one of these positions it should be easier to nurture or 'allow' some interest. As a parent, you will know which tricks work, so use them.

So, when the mood is right and the atmosphere is perfect, sit with your child, and slowly perform the body scan (see links below). In the beginning use the recording; but over time you will find it easy to learn. Don't rush. And prepared to be amazed.

Body Scan (Short)