Newsletter | July 2020

Calmworks® Newsletter - July 2020 - It's Not Your Fault Part 2

It's Not Your Fault Part 2*

Possible explanations for tumultuous relationships

Have you ever wondered why you might be drawn to tempestuous relationships?

Or why your feelings toward your significant other alternate between extremes of adoration and distaste?

Blaming yourself or ignoring those feelings is not the best way forward.

If you or someone you know might benefit from learning more about a mental health condition that can make relationships more challenging than normal, take part in the anonymous survey below.

People who show frequent extreme behaviour are rarely 'bad people'. And people who put up with this behaviour are rarely 'weak'.

So whether you feel like you are treading on eggshells around your partner, or terrified of being abandoned by them; know that there is a very good chance that, "It's not your fault!"