Newsletter | January 2020

Responsibility & Shame


Wrapping oneself in the flag in times of perceived crisis.

England, like any country, is a legal fiction.

It exists because we believe it exists. We believe it because our stories, rituals, values, contracts, goals and structures align. We encourage this because we are Modern Humans. Our ability to absorb and group together differentiates us from Neanderthals. This ability was the single most important factor in our survival and in Neanderthals' demise.

A patriot is defined as someone who truly, though sometimes unquestioningly, loves and serves his or her country.

Despite it being cold comfort compared to happiness, health and family, a Modern Human will blindly wrap themselves in the flag when they perceive a threat to their livelihood.

Modern Humans who are benevolent, knowledgeable and confident will not understand why their brothers and sisters do this until they truly walk in their shoes. When they do, they will be saddened by what they find.

Mindfulness is an exercise in introspection yet it is not selfish, ignorant or insecure because empathy for oneself connects us instantly and directly with each other.

Sampling hundreds of thousands of tribal, mythical and religious stories, rituals and values from every country on earth will lead you to the same two empathic beliefs:

  • Do no harm.
  • Everything is connected.

As we enter the new year, perhaps we could reframe these two beliefs as 'progressive patriotism' and thereby enable ourselves to be benevolent, knowledgable and secure together.

Happy New Year.